Message from Lukey xxxx

Created by Suzanne 9 years ago
see you baby in heaven sitting by the river so clear As you sing your songs of worship to the God we both hold dear You rock the tune with vigour and with every passing sway I see the joy within your heart as you praise your Lord today and as I watch you I shed a tear for the loss that breaks my heart as memories of you come flooding back I hate that we're apart But God came and whispered that day “ your time here Son is done” as he gathered you safely in his arms he said “to heaven you must come” and as I kissed your forehhead you mustered every bit of strength to tell me “ mum I'm ok” before you slipped away You touched so many lives with your love and great big smile how I wished those great big arms of your could just hold me for a while your crazy walks, infectious laugh and cheeky little ways your planking and your dancing and your pateince every day meant that everyone who met you was touched deep down in their hearts but its those memories now that keep me going everyday that we're apart God gave to me the most precious gift for 20 years I was blessed until that day he took you to your home of eternal rest and yes there are days I want to shout and scream and stomp and roar at God “why did you take away my very special dream” but then I hear you whisper to me “ mum I could do no more” “ I loved you but I needed rest” are the words that you implore “I'm here by your side each day” is what you say to me “and God will help you carry your load if you'll only let it be” “so let me sit by the river mum, I'll watch over you every day” “and send the angels to protect you” is what you gently say and so with a shattered heart I know I must let it be that you can be in glory – at rest now and pain free So rest my baby by your river and let your praises ring to a God who needed another angel for his heavenly songs to sing and as I close my eyes tonight my prayer like always will be “I love you my son,my baby please watch over me”